Krishna Thrives
Krishna and her son, Alok. Krishna thinks she’s about 42 years old. She knows her husband was 38 years old when he died of AIDS seven...
Mam, Check Your Mobile
Indu’s tuition classes aren't just low-tech, they're decidedly no-tech. The children bring their textbooks, their pencils, and the nubs...
Grades and Gratitude
Aagya and Shivani on their way to school in a rickshaw. We pay school fees for both girls. In less than a week the children will be able...
Latifa Shaik
Latifa (January 2019) Latifa was one of the first children we saw when we arrived back to the community this year. She was standing near...
Reality Bites
150 million people gathered in Prayagraj for the Kumbh Mela Last week we took a few days away from Mumbai to travel to Prayagraj, in the...
Growing Concerns
The community has welcomed a trio of newborns, all girls, born within weeks of each other. Aarya, Myra, and the newest baby, born a few...
Sneha’s Continuing Education
Sneha informed us that her school project was due the next day when we were just steps away from entering our apartment building. Used...
Dancing with Mumbai
Engaging, confusing, consuming, frustrating, enlightening, filthy, disorienting, lively, loud and never boring, Mumbai is like a friend...
I Have An Idea
Slum communities contain a tsunami of human beings. It’s hard to stand out, to be special, or to be noticed for anything but a bad deed....
Get Me a Doctor
She’s in her 80’s, this fragile slip of a woman who buckles under her own negligible weight. We used to see her every day curled up...