Press Page
Dirty Wall Project’s work in India has generated press in all forms from print, radio, television and webzines.
CNN, BBC, Times of India, Times Colonist, Mumbai’s Mid-day, Times of West Mumbai, Global Television, Omni News, Shaw TV, Check Six, Vancouver View, CBC Radio, Mumbai Boss, Pennisula Review and several local papers and websites have mentioned and written articles on DWP projects over the last 3 years.
The media plays a big role in helping me raise awareness about DWP’s work, and in turn, the funds raised because of the awareness, keep it going. DWP has been written about in English, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Korean and Marathi helping me spread the word.
Below are some of the press interviews, videos and articles I’ve been able to get my hands on.
Times of India’s article on Kane Ryan and DWP in April 2011.

Jeff Bell from the Times Colonist in Victoria writes about DWP’s 1st Anniversary Dinner, August 2010

Excerpt from Laura Lavin’s article on DWP, April 2010

DWP’s Kane Ryan was honored to speak at Victoria premeir Pecha Kucha night
Article and photographs by Snap Magazine photographer Leona Fowler

Article by Laura Lavin of Pennisula News Review, April 2010

Otiena Ellwand writes about DWP in an August 2010 issue of Monday Magazine